为了实现安全的自动驾驶汽车(AV)操作,至关重要的是,AV的障碍检测模块可以可靠地检测出构成安全威胁的障碍物(即是安全至关重要的)。因此,希望对感知系统的评估指标捕获对象的安全性 - 临界性。不幸的是,现有的感知评估指标倾向于对物体做出强烈的假设,而忽略了代理之间的动态相互作用,因此不能准确地捕获现实中的安全风险。为了解决这些缺点,我们通过考虑自我车辆和现场障碍之间的闭环动态相互作用来引入互动障碍感知障碍检测评估度量指标。通过从最佳控制理论借用现有理论,即汉密尔顿 - 雅各比的可达性,我们提出了一种可构造``安全区域''的计算障碍方法:一个国家空间中的一个区域,该区域定义了安全 - 关键障碍为了定义安全目的的位置指标。我们提出的安全区已在数学上完成,并且可以轻松计算以反映各种安全要求。使用Nuscenes检测挑战排行榜的现成检测算法,我们证明我们的方法是计算轻量级,并且可以更好地捕获与基线方法更好地捕获关键的安全感知错误。
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Development of guidance, navigation and control frameworks/algorithms for swarms attracted significant attention in recent years. That being said, algorithms for planning swarm allocations/trajectories for engaging with enemy swarms is largely an understudied problem. Although small-scale scenarios can be addressed with tools from differential game theory, existing approaches fail to scale for large-scale multi-agent pursuit evasion (PE) scenarios. In this work, we propose a reinforcement learning (RL) based framework to decompose to large-scale swarm engagement problems into a number of independent multi-agent pursuit-evasion games. We simulate a variety of multi-agent PE scenarios, where finite time capture is guaranteed under certain conditions. The calculated PE statistics are provided as a reward signal to the high level allocation layer, which uses an RL algorithm to allocate controlled swarm units to eliminate enemy swarm units with maximum efficiency. We verify our approach in large-scale swarm-to-swarm engagement simulations.
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